

Tooth loss is a major issue that affects many people in the UK, with 31% of the population experiencing tooth decay at some point in their lives. The loss of one or more teeth can significantly impact your overall appearance and even affect how you chew food. If you opt for dentures, you’ll be able to show off your new smile with confidence. Don’t wait – call today to find out how they can help you!

What Causes Tooth Loss?

Tooth decay can severely damage your teeth and is the most common cause of tooth loss. It’s essential to take care of your teeth and gums to have a healthy lifestyle. While most people are made aware of the basics of oral hygiene from a young age, it’s not uncommon for people to neglect their dental health as they grow older and life starts to get in the way. When you start to neglect dental hygiene, you will most likely experience a buildup of plaque, which will eventually turn into tartar if not removed. Tartar is what causes tooth decay. To avoid this situation, you must maintain good oral health and attend your regular dental checkups so that your dentist can resolve any issues before they escalate.
Some people are genetically more likely to suffer when it comes to tooth decay, even if they take adequate care of their teeth. Furthermore, some people experience tooth loss due to injury. Epsom Smiles offers emergency dental appointments for anybody in need of urgent dental attention.

Why Do I Need Dentures?

Dentures are split into two categories: partial and complete. Complete dentures are the best choice for those missing an entire dental arch, while partial dentures can replace one or two individual teeth. Tooth loss is an incredibly unpleasant experience that can impact how you speak, eat and taste your food. It can also have a huge effect on your confidence levels. Here at Epsom Smiles, our team is passionate about making all our patients feel happy in their smiles, which is why we offer an extensive range of cosmetic and specialist treatments designed to restore your self-esteem.
There’s no feeling quite like knowing you have a happy, healthy smile. Dentures can give you a natural, glowing look that will have you feeling confident again in no time.

What Happens After?

You will likely experience some minor discomfort for the first few days after undergoing your dentures procedure. Your dentist will most likely arrange a follow-up appointment in order to assess your progress and check that you are comfortable and happy with the results. We recommend sticking to soft foods for a few days after your treatment to avoid causing pain or dislodging the dentures.

Visit Epsom Smiles for the Best Dental Care

Here at Epsom Smiles, we wouldn’t wish tooth loss on anybody. If you’re struggling with missing teeth, why not get in touch with the experts at Epsom Smiles today? They can discuss your options with you to determine whether dentures would be a good solution for your problem. Say hello to a whole new confident you!


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