Time To Get The Perfect Smile With Professional Teeth Straightening

Time To Get The Perfect Smile With Professional Teeth Straightening

You will be surprised to know that millions of people are not satisfied with the state of their teeth. It is why the demand for skilled dentists in Sutton is always quite high. They will assess the condition of your teeth and let you know the type of dental treatment you need. A very common cosmetic dentistry that has gained much popularity in the last few years is teeth straightening.

A proper bite is necessary to ensure your oral health. The chances of gum disease and tooth decay will increase if you have crooked teeth. An easy way to straighten your teeth is by visiting a reputable dental clinic like Epsom Smiles. All their dentists have years of experience providing professional teeth straightening services and can answer all your queries about dental treatment.

Do Adults Need Straight Teeth?

Some people think that only children need orthodontic treatment. If you are one of them, it’s high time you debunk the myth. You can also get straight teeth as an adult and improve your oral health. Dentists feel that 12 and 13 years is the best time for children to undergo teeth straightening treatment as their jaws and mouth are still developing. Their bones and gums are pliant and soft so the orthodontic appliances can adjust easily. You can also move teeth through physiological forces by undergoing orthodontic treatment as an adult. Though it might take more time for your teeth to straighten, you can fix the alignment problem through braces.

How Long Does It Take For Teeth To Straighten With Braces?

Not everyone visiting a dental clinic for teeth straightening in Sutton knows that the teeth start straightening from the first day after undergoing the orthodontic treatment. Experiencing a bit of discomfort after wearing the braces is quite normal as the orthodontic appliance puts pressure on your jaw and bones. It will take around 2-3 months for the treatment to complete depending on the type of braces you choose and how severe your teeth’s misalignment is.

Can You Treat Crowded Teeth With Teeth Straightening?

A very common problem you can fix with dental braces is teeth crowding. Few common treatment options for crowded teeth are invisible aligners, braces and cosmetic dental work. For years, people have been fixing crowded teeth with the orthodontic method. Your dentist will use metal brackets with wires and attach them to your teeth to realign them. Though braces are quite effective option, it might bring some temporary changes to your lifestyle. Some people prefer lingual braces as they are fixed on the backsides of teeth.

Straighten Your Teeth With Invisalign

Get in touch with the experienced dentists at Epsom Smile and they will let you choose from a wide variety of teeth straightening procedures. You can rest assured that you won’t feel any discomfort or insecurity because of the minor misalignment. If you want to straighten your teeth in an unnoticeable way, choose Invisalign or clear aligners. The teeth straightening treatment will make you feel more confident about your smile.

Learn more at: https://epsomsmilesdental.co.uk/dentists-in-epsom/

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